LifeBridge Music

Thursday, September 18, 2008

You Want Me To Do What?

My sophomore year of college was an interesting year. I was probably going to be the starting goalie for our division II team. It was going to be an exciting year for me, but what I was NOT prepared for was the training that it was going to take to get ready for it. As with all athletes we start the season with great pep and excitement that we are willing to put the hard work in to make the season a great success. The real reality comes when you step on the pitch (soccer field) the first time on two a days. I had really enjoyed my summer and was NOT concerned about training and getting ready. We did our stretching and light jogging to get the muscles loose.

Coach ordered us to get a partner about our height and weight and then to meet him at the bottom of the hill. Now this means nothing to some of you. The hill was a small incline, but it was steep. He said, you will carry your partner on your back up and down this hill ten times, switch and ride for ten times and repeat that cycle five times. "You want us to do what?" Have you lost your mind, there's NO way! He blew the whistle and off we had to go. It was ridiculous....we did it, no clue how, but I also remember the pain right after, but the season after that moment seemed really easy.

This morning in our reading as a church we were asked to read Matthew 5:38-48. WOW! These are really difficult things we are called to do. As I was reading them this morning, I went back to that day, "You want me to do what?" Love my enemy, pray for those who persecute me, don't just love those that love you, but love those who don't love you....then He closes out "But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Why such tall orders? We cannot ever be perfect can we? Why does God give us such impossible task? Would love to hear from you today on your thoughts.

Philip Thurman


Jimmy said...

Great Post Philip!~

The greater the difficulty the greater the reward. American lives have been built with ease. Not only are we physically out of shape, we are spiritually weak. We need pressure that requires dependency on God. To often any "persecution" we face is lite. How many people were seeking God in the days after 9-11 and Katrina but within days had returned to ease in Zion. Captivity awaits if we do not exercise spiritual disciplines in our lives and our churches.

Thanks for the reminder!! Have a great day. Let's get together at the convention next month.

LifeBridge leadership team said...

Is this Jimmy Morton or Jimmy Stewart?