LifeBridge Music

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bottom Rungs

If you grew up in church, think about all the things you did that made church, church! If you did not grow up in church, you have a different and fresh view of church. Sometimes I wish that I could have those eyes, simply for the perspective of knowing what to do or NOT to do. However, I would never trade my upbringing. I loved knowing God all of my life. Anyway. Have you thought of some? You have to join something before you can be a part of making decisions. You can start giving MONEY right away, but we don't want your decisions until you join. WOW! Then we have this insider language. If you are new to church or God, you hear some of the words we use and you are clueless, again NOT your fault, but ours.

This past week I was reading a blog of a church that does NOT have any members. There are those who have Christ and those who are pursuing Christ. Once you accept Christ you become a part of the Family of God. Once you do that, hopefully you will give, serve and do your part for the local church. I love thinking through all the things and thinking about all the rungs we take off the ladder for those outside of a relationship with Christ. Why do we do that? Why do we make it so tough to know and follow Christ? Think about your relationships with the world. What do you do or say that potentially keeps someone from accepting this relationship? Busy schedules, sports activities, job, chores! Do these things keep me from helping someone know Christ? Challenging insights on this Wednesday. Read Acts 15 again. Rock your socks off!

Philip Thurman

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