LifeBridge Music

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fat Babies

You ever seen a fat baby? I know, most babies are fat and their cute. But as they get older, fat is NOT always cute. Now, I know what your thinking, I am not about to make fat jokes or crude comments about that, but I do have a point. I also realize there are medical conditions that people cannot help as well. All that aside, a fat baby is not something you want. They are unhealthy and often are consumed thinking about themselves and what they will eat next.

Spiritually, we have the same thing. There are many people who consume and consume and consume great Bible teaching, have thousands of hours of classes and discussions. They are just full fat babies. They often time bounce around from church to church and graze off all the good buffets. After they get comfortable at a place they then want to start telling all the other people how they can grow and become like them. If you don't do what they do, then you will NOT be growing in your faith. They love religion and are good at it. But when it comes to living what their reading and doing it, well that's a different story. They want to tell others, but then don't want to do it themselves. They'll be quick to point out your flaws as your serving while their sitting.

This week our challenge has been to get off the bench and follow God. To be open and willing to do whatever He ask us to do regardless of maybe how unique or different the ask is. Today's reading we see Abram being asked to kill animals and then he hears about God's promise to them. (Genesis 15:12-21) His descendants will be able to get to that awesome place, but they will have to go through 400 years of slavery. One question that challenged me was, would I be willing to follow God if I knew that it would take that long for it to happen. Don't know if I would have that type of faith. I want it here and now. What about you? Could you continue to follow God if you knew that you would never get to experience his promise? I don't know. WOW!

Philip Thurman