LifeBridge Music

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday's Five

I know, I am on vacation, but I have so much to post, but will only list five.
1) Can you believe the kids go back to school next week. It is both good and bad. This means that we go back to full set up and tear down mode. It also means that life gets back to some sense of normal, whatever Normal is.
2) Jim, Tracey and Kelly leave SUnday for a preview trip to Haiti. They will come back all jazzed about our P1:8 opportunities in Haiti. By the way, our teams are starting to get busy with awesome chances for you to get connected and serving. Be at church Sunday to see what else is happening.
3) I've missed LifeBridge. Ready to get back in the groove. You guys are a special group of folks. I do not like missing my time with you all. You are really encouraging and awesome inviters. We have had an incredible summer. If the fall is anything like the summer, look out. We may be needing to find more chairs. Great problem to have, many people would love to be where we are. Let's keep pushing and doing this for God's fame.
4) I'm ready to get back and hang out with the staff team. I am able to serve alongside the greatest leaders I have ever been around. If you don't know them, I challenge you to invite them to lunch after church and get to know them. Some of the most talented folks around. (Davis Jones, John Chappelear, Johnny Ervin, Greg Miller, Scott Little, and then we have a million (okay a brief exaggeration) volunteers. You all are the best.
5) Baptism is this Sunday. This is the coolest service. We get to hear our young folks talk about their camp experience and then follow Christ in Baptism. Proud of you guys.....keep challenging us old folks to follow Christ.

See you Sunday

Philip Thurman

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