LifeBridge Music

Monday, August 25, 2008

Olympic Fever

Have you caught yourself staying up late at night watching the Olympics and wondering if another American Team will be able to win Gold or Silver? Have you ever seen yourself getting so excited about a sand volleyball game, badminton, wrestling or some of those less popular sports. Man, I have been glued and found myself cheering for sports and peoples stories that I would have never done.

The real stud to me is NOT the decathlon dude, although he is a stud. My man has to be the marathon dude. 26.2 miles wide open and the guy doesn't even act like he's winded. My heart was breathing harder for him than his was. What's that all about? Then last night I caught myself NOT wanting to miss a single moment of the closing ceremonies. WOW! Drummers hanging upside down and still playing, guys running up the side of a metal wall...did you see that? It was spectacular. China did a great job, but the last time I checked, their still under Communist leadership. WHAT?!

I guess the greatest truth was the closing comments by Bob Costas, btw, did he die his hair? Something looked different. Anyway, he said something to the effective of, "isn't it amazing how these two weeks the WORLD comes together as one. All differences are laid aside for the competition and recognition of an athlete." We are able for two weeks to put aside all that separates us and come together as one world to celebrate all that is good through Sports. WOW! Sports can unify the world. Stop and let that soak in. What would happen if people understood the Gospel and all it could do for them? How could that power change the world?

Today, let God speak through your life. The Olympics are over for four more years (At least the summer Olympics) but your story can just begin.

Philip Thurman

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