LifeBridge Music

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Food or Drink For Three Days

Stop and think about that for a moment. Three days with NO food. I don't know about you, but I wake up thinking about food and while I am eating breakfast, I'm thinking about where I will be eating lunch, etc. So to go three days with NO food or drink just blows me away. I cannot imagine anyone doing that unless it is some type of fast. In this case, it was NOT a fast that we know off.

What am I talking about? Two days ago I was reading in Acts 9:9. The story is the conversion of Saul. He is traveling down a road and is blinded by a light and is told to go to a city and someone will help him there. So he goes and for three days he sees nothing, eats and rinks nothing. What is that about. I wonder if that was his desire, or God's desire. I wonder if he was so in awe of God that he lost track of time or that all he could do was think about his life that he couldn't eat. I don't have a clue, but it caused me to pause and'd he do that? I believe it was God sustaining him completely.

I'd love to get to that point that I did not have to worry about eating and drinking, but that I would fully rely upon God to be my provision. I want that type of faith.

Philip Thurman

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