LifeBridge Music

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ever have one of "those" kinds of days....week?

I've often wondered about what people have meant by one of "those" days, and I have also wondered who the mysterious "they" are as well. Know what I am talking about? They said the and fill in the blank.

Well this has been one of "those" weeks. When I say that, I hope your mind doesn't go to the negative, cause it hasn't been that at all. It has been a week that I have seen God clearly working in people's lives. Many of you attended baby Grayson's funeral yesterday and heard Joey share his thoughts. WOW! It was a God moment that will always be remembered on the hard drive of my mind. Gretchen's letter was so sweet. It was awesome to see the impact and testimony of this family in the loss of a special child.

We also found out this week that a dear friend from Hattiesburg gave up the fight of cancer and went to be with God. Jason Weathers was an incredible man. He lived his life well. Pray for Stephanie and their three kids. As you pray, pray also for his in laws, the Shows. May they Know God comfort and peace.

Tuesday we leave for youth Camp to Panama City. Please pray for the kids and chaperone's. It will be a powerful week. I hope God allows you to experience one of "those" kind of weeks.

Philip thurman

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