LifeBridge Music

Sunday, June 22, 2008

So Little Can Make So Much of A Difference

It is amazing to stop and think about how fortunate we are here in Madison. Have you ever stopped to think about all that you have? The last two weeks we have heard about three areas that we are going to start trying to influence. Canton, Homestead, Florida and Haiti. Each of these areas require so little to make an impact.

In Canton, a simple gift of a basketball goal or pencils and school bags can make kids smile. In Haiti $30.00 a month can provide for one child in the orphanage. WOW! That is all it takes. We spend that much on one meal. What if we decided NOT to eat once a month out and use that to impact one kid. Could you imagine the impact that one gift could make on that one child. Next Sunday we will begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Amazing to watch and see all the people that are stepping up to serve on the P1:8 team.

Keep being the church that makes a difference.

Philip Thurman

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