LifeBridge Music

Monday, June 16, 2008

Project 1:8

We're two weeks into our series called P1:8 and thus far it has been incredible. If you missed week number one, please go to and click on the tab "Experience a Service" and listen to Jim's story. It is amazing.

This week we looked at the passage in Acts 1:8 where the challenge was placed before the new church that when they received Christ forgiveness they would have power and they were to go an be His witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. At LifeBridge as we have pondered that passage we have asked the question, what is our Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. We know our Jerusalem is Madison and we feel we have been working well in it. We've expanded our sphere of influence now to Canton and specifically to Trinity Church. They are a new start up church in the Canton area that has a real heart for the city and it's people, specifically the young. They also have an incredible desire to influence the next generation. So they are strategically involved with a school where they are making a huge difference.

There are a million incredible ministries in Canton, why not get involved with all of them. First we are too small to spread ourselves to too many places. We feel a real desire to stay focused on one area and sink everything we have into it. This laser like focus will help us stay on task in our Judea.

This next Sunday we have two guest who will be with us from outside the state of Mississippi and even from outside this country. I hope you will be with us to hear about Samaria and the Uttermost parts of the earth.

Philip Thurman

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