LifeBridge Music

Monday, April 21, 2008

Soccer vs Church

I'm really ticked off at myself. I had a chance to possibly do something that has never been done, and did NOT do it. Looking back today, I could kick myself. How often do we stop and look back at the moments in our lives that we might could have made an impact in others lives. I called those "what if moments!" What if I would have __________ and fill in the blanks. Well I had one this weekend.

My daughters U-12 soccer team (Jaw Crushers) made it through to the Western District Playoffs.....We just barely made it in, but we got the chance of a lifetime. I am the head coach and it so happens that my assistant did not have his coaching license. So I had to coach on Sunday morning which meant I missed LifeBridge. I hate missing church for something like soccer. I hate it. I think it sends the wrong message to our kids. But did I do anything about it? NOT A SINGLE THING. I could have had a team devotional before the game with the parents and players, heck we could have done a service at the soccer complex. There were THOUSANDS of kids from Jackson, Clinton, Madison, Greenville, and Greenwood. It could have been a huge outreach experience.

I totally wasted an awesome opportunity. I'm really mad at myself. It never crossed my mind until this morning. I pray you and I will NOT miss too many moments to be a major impact for Christ. Sorry I missed you guys, but I am upset that I missed a huge chance to encourage thousands of folks. How many times a day do we miss that what if moment.

Philip Thurman

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