LifeBridge Music

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Good bye 07 and welcome 08

Can you believe it? 2007 has come and gone. A ton of incredible memories. We have seen people invest and invite their family, friends and neighbors. WOW! God gave us land and we owe NO money on it. Can you believe God has given us 15 acres of land in Madison County. The most expensive county in Mississippi. We are in the throws of the next step.

We have added some incredible volunteers who serve and give of their time and energy. As we continue to grow we continue needing new volunteers. We saw three or four baptism services that were awesome. Always cool to see men, women, boys and girls cross the line of faith. We had two big Sunday's that turned out a ton of food as well. Our biker life group has stepped up to the plate and set the bar high when it comes to service.

What about we have some awesome teaching series planned. We start the second week of January talking about "How to be rich." It will be fun. We also have two mission trips planned and one is out of the country........Argentina! More on that later. I hope you will continue to invest and invite. Let's make a difference in Madison County.

Philip Thurman

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