LifeBridge Music

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What in the world is this life coming to?

Can you believe this? There are very few things in life that I can do. And few is the operative word. There are a ton of things that I am terrible at doing. One thing is writing. I write like I talk. In addition, I am NO technical guru. I like to act the part, but in all honesty have no clue how to do anything. Yet, here I am doing the two things I am terrible at doing. Greg is standing behind me with one hand tied behind my back and typing with the free hand. He's even telling me what to say! Just kidding.

I've felt for sometime now that I wanted to have a blog to share ideas and thoughts with my friends from LifeBridge and others. So Greg Miller pushed me off the cliff by starting a blog. No, he really figured out how to do it and walked me through it.

I'll be posting periodically, so I hope you will come back and see what all we talk about. It might surprise you!

Philip Thurman

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