LifeBridge Music

Sunday, March 23, 2008

What's The Big Deal?

Easter is an incredible time of the year. We see friends and family in church that we don't see for months. They come with their new outfits and hair dos and smiles in tact. Everything looks good on the outside, but I often ask myself how they must really be doing on the inside. You never get much time to dive into any major life issues. Everyone smiles and says Happy Easter and goes about their merry way.

In thinking about Easter, the Bible, Christianity it all points back to one thing.......A Relationship with God and with others. This morning God challenged us to think about three relationships and what we need to do. Let me recap quickly. I challenged us to think about one of these three and work on it for the next few weeks. 1) What relationship needs to be initiated? What about going out to eat, or inviting them over to your house. 2) What relationship needs to be nurtured? Date your wife, take your girlfriend on a fun date. Do things to make it grow. 3) What relationship needs to be restored? This is a difficult one. It requires us to forgive others even if we are the party that has been wronged....forgive! Don't live with that issue, don't take it to the grave with you. God desires for you to experience Life At It's Very Best.

We'll close out next week with the way, great job on tons of you freeing up parking for Easter Sunday. We had a great day and a great crowd. WOW! I heard a number of you talk about someone you had invited to church, great job. Keep investing and inviting.

Philip Thurman

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